2025 C10M Training Program
The 37th annual 2025 Charlottesville Ten Miler Training Program will begin on Saturday, October 26th! Sign up here.
Whether you're a seasoned runner or tackling the distance for the first time, the C10M Training Program is designed to help you cross the finish line with confidence. Led by Coach Mark Lorenzoni and Cathie B., along with a team of Captains, the program offers personalized guidance, group runs, and training plans tailored to your pace and fitness level. With an average 250-350 participants each year - and over 9,000 since it began in 1987! - the C10M Training Program has built a vibrant community of runners preparing for one of Charlottesville's most beloved races. The C10M Training Program will meet every Saturday at 8 a.m. at the UVA track, from October through March. You'll be guided by expert coaching and support, plus the camaraderie of fellow runners to keep you motivated. Join us as we prepare to celebrate the 50th running of this iconic race—one mile at a time! *You can join the training program after October 26th if you miss the start date. Interested in volunteering with the C10M as a Training Program Captain? We are looking for past Ten Miler runners to lead training groups for the 2025 program. Please contact us if you are interested. Additional Resources |
Feedback from Past Training Program Participants
- Best investment in my health and fitness in years.
- The price point, especially given the amount of effort put in by and accessibility of Mark, group captains, and others, is the best bargain in town and doable for any runner. It is truly a labor of love.
- The organized plan for building up from nothing to 10 miles was great but the coaching support most of all. The weekly emails, the meetings themselves before the Saturday runs, the enthusiasm and good-natured attitude of those involved. It is an incredibly supportive, positive program and also makes the whole thing fun. The acceptance of non-athletic types as well as serious runners and the encouragement of all those involved in the program to support everyone's ability to complete the course and to meet whatever goals they set.
- It was a real joy coming out and meeting others runners, getting that weekly Coach Talk from Mark and learning the course. Really worth the hour drive whenever I could make it.
- Great pace work that finally stuck with me this year, and the fantastic motivational and wisdom filled emails. Being able to text Mark with questions or new pains is very valuable. Also I loved the shirts we got this year!
- What else is there to do on a Saturday morning in the winter!
- Very inspiring to see group 1 progress. I have told all my non-runner friends that they can do it too.
- I liked the structure and accountability built into it. I liked the recommended weekly running plan. I liked the group self selection based on level.
- I loved meeting fellow runners and the friendliness of the group. Its the best!
- Very organized and friendly people, all encouraging people to succeed. Mark's wisdom and encourage is incredible. I really like the multiple levels and the week by week mileage needed to succeed. I could have not done it without this support.
- I liked all the info in the books I got at the first training session. I was not able to make it to the Saturday runs most of the time because I work on the weekends but I loved coach Marks weekly emails! They were informative and motivating!
- It motivated me to get out of bed and run, even on cold winter days. It was well organized, and the T-shirt was wonderful.
- The energy that everyone brings to the table! Mark has been absolutely great. I have never run in my life and this is my first time. It taught me discipline, provided better stamina, to eat right, and better mental health.
- Running opened my eyes to so many different things. I never knew I would enjoy it so much. There is this feeling of quiet that comes over me and my mind clears, and I feel free. I also liked that Mark was there for me whenever I had a problem I could just walk into his store and he was would listen and correct any issue I was having.
- Learning the course with great company. The camaraderie meant a lot, with me coming off an injury and not certain if I could get better, much less excel. Mark, the captains and all the people involved have made this a fantastic experience. THANK YOU!
- I think the group runs probably helped me get faster more than anything. Also, being able to add the training plan to my calendar kept me doing the workouts. Also, the race plan video got me through that race, SO glad I watched. FYI, if you're keeping track, it's the hills at water/main/university that get me, not Lexington.