2017 Beneficiaries
Foothills Child Advocacy Center Foothills Child Advocacy Center believes that all children are entitled to be safe, healthy, nurtured and valued. Our mission is to provide a coordinated system of effective response and intervention to children who have been victimized. Our goals are to minimize trauma, promote healing, and ensure child safety. Foothills works to fulfill its mission and goals through two primary programs: the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)/Forensic Assessment and Public Education and Outreach Programs. Through the MDT/Forensic Assessment Program, Foothills provides the following services: (1) coordinating a team of 14 local government and nonprofit agencies to increase communication and mutual accountability, reduce duplication of services, and help ensure that children are safe and that their needs are met; (2) conducting coordinated forensic interviews that reduce the number of times a child is interviewed and so reduces the child’s trauma and that provide accurate information that helps the team to make decisions in the best interest of the child; and (3) providing ongoing support, assessment, and referral services for the families to help them create and maintain safe, healing environments for their children. During FY 2016, we served 256 children and their families, including 213 children from Charlottesville and Albemarle County and 43 from Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Madison, Nelson, and Orange Counties. The number of children served in FY 2016 represented an 18-percent increase over FY 2015, and the demand for our services continues to increase. Through its Public Education and Outreach Program, Foothills increases community understanding of the ways to prevent and stop child abuse and neglect. We offer the nationally recognized Stewards of Children child sexual abuse training and Stand Up for Kids! mandated reporter training free of charge to organizations and concerned adults. To date, we’ve trained more than 2,000 adults to be heroes for kids. Foothills is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is very grateful to be a beneficiary of the Charlottesville Ten Miler! Thank you so much! www.foothillscac.org |